Monthly Archives: December 2019

X Marks the Spot

2019-12-16T20:06:21+00:00December 16th, 2019|ABC's of Financial Freedom, Tips and Tricks|

More specifically, a very literal spot – your apartment! Seeing as my boyfriend and I are moving into a new apartment tomorrow, this seemed like a fitting topic of conversation (besides, you try coming up with an alliterative title that includes the letter X). Navigating the apartment hunting process can be undeniably frustrating –

Well, I’m happy. What’s Next?

2019-12-09T19:58:32+00:00December 9th, 2019|ABC's of Financial Freedom, KLS Recommendations|

The owner of our company often sends me links of articles he loves, or just things I might find interesting related to my scope of work.  While the majority are quirky and related to things like collections and human resources (my two big interests), there was one that really stood out and is the